Colectia de decoruri blaturi Kaindl 2020-20204 pentru Sketchup si nu numai.
EN: (Boards - Worktops Kaindl 2020-2024 decor collection for Sketchup and not only)
Colectia de decoruri pentru blat-uri de lucru a Kaindl - Austria.
In acest moment in Romania, importatorul direct pentru blaturile de bucatarie Kaindl este furnizorul de materiale lemnoase S.C. Holver S.R.L. cu sediul in Brasov dar si cu filiale teritoriale in: Bucuresti, Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi si Constanta.
Produsele Kaindl pentru blaturi de bucatarie:
* Blat de bucatarie postformat G-profile: 4100 x 600 x 38 mm, R = 3 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Blat de bucatarie postformat dublu G-profile: 4100 x 900 x 38 mm, R = 3 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Blat de bucatarie cu cant drept ABS R = 1,5mm: 4100 x 635 x 38mm (15 decoruri)
* Splashback cu laminat de 0.3mm pe ambele fete - 4100 x 640 x 15mm (50 de decoruri)
* antistrop la nuanta blatului - profil 4100 x 24 x 16 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Laminat pentru cantuire 2 bucati x 3000 x 45 x 0.8 mm (50 de decoruri)
Colectia atasata este pregatita in special pentru Sketchup dar prin preluarea imaginilor in format *.jpg pot fi folosite si la alte versiuni de programe vectoriale pentru proiectare de mobilier.
EN: Kaindl Boards - Worktop Collection 2020-2024 contains textures mainly addapted for Sketchup 3D rendering software but you can also get the pictures in *.jpg format so that can be use for other furniture software. The names of the decors are translated in English and Romanian.
Pozele nu prezinta suprafata totala a decorurilor Kaindl, ci doar o sectiune echivalenta a 600x600mm. Dimensinea la care au fost realizate este ideala pentru suprapunerea peste un blat de bucatarie standard, de 600mm adancime (latime).
EN: The pictures don't represent the full texture of the materials, it's represent aproximatley 600x600mm. The dimension of the texture is adapted for the standard kitchen worktop with depth of 600mm.
EN: You have to copy the files in Sketchup materials folder, in there you can create your own folder and at the next reboot of the program it will appear in your material menu. The standard way to it for Windows 10 is listed above. If you don't know where to find it, search in C:\ for *.skm files and you will find the path.
In fisier o sa gasiti toate decorurile simulate pe bucati de blaturi Kaindl 900x635x38mm, 900x600x38mmsi 900x900x38mm.
1106 GL White - RO: Alb Lucios
1106 PE White - RO: Alb Perlat
3324 PE Walnut Butcher Block - RO: Nuc Lamelar
3952 PE Ravenna Gray - RO: Gri Ravena
3953 PE Slate - RO: Ardezie
34038 AT Sonoma Oak Light - RO: Stejar Sonoma Deschis
34139 AW Oak Sanremo Sand - RO: Stejar Sanremo Nisip
34232 AT Arizona Pine - RO: Pin Arizona
34318 AT Laramie Pine - RO: Pin Laramie
34321 DP Oxide - RO: Oxid
35252 AT Chalete Oak - RO: Stejar Chalet
37905 DP Concrete Art - RO: Beton
37910 PE Tibur
37978 DC Mocca
37979 DC Tobacco - RO: Tabac
38356 DC Natural Stone - RO: Piatra Natur
4288 PE Granito Anthracite - RO: Granit Antracit
44374 DP Concrete Art Grey - RO: Beton Gri Opal
44375 DP Concrete Art Pearl Grey - RO: Beton Gri Perlat
45273 DC Oldstone
45274 DC Corten Steel - RO: Otel Corten
47980 DC Arktis - RO: Arctic
47981 DC Sahara
5853 PE Titan
K4325 AW Alpine Oak Snow - RO: Stejar Alpin
K4398 DP Rusty Iron - RO: Fier Ruginit
K4399 DP Rusty Iron Ocean - RO: Fier Ruginit Ocean
K4410 AW Native Oak Light - RO: Stejar Native Deschis
K4420 IR Oak Evoke Classic - RO: Stejar Evoke Clasic
K4447 AN Oak Antique Expressive - RO: Stejar Antic Expressive
K4453 DP Concrete Weave Anthracite - RO: Beton Antracit
K4887 AN Walnut Almond Expressive - RO: Nuc Migdala Expressive
K4890 DP Arabescato
K4891 DC Nero Assoluto Scottish
K4892 DP Pietra Grey - RO: Piatra Gri
K4892 DP Pietra Grey Gloss - RO: Piatra Gri Lucios
K4893 DP Steel Grey Ocean - RO: Otel Gri Ocean
K4894 DP Steel Grey Coffe - RO: Otel Gri Cafea
K4895 DP Atlantic Stone Graphite - RO: Piatra Atlantic Grafit
K4896 DP Stone - RO: Steel - RO: Atlantic - RO: Piatra Atlantic Otel
K4946 SV Lava Hemlock - RO: Hemlock Lava
K5284 AN Oak - RO: Roosevelt - RO: Stejar Roosevelt
K5412 AW Oak Endgrain Raw - RO: Stejar Endgrain Raw
K5413 AW Eiche ENDgrain Cognac - RO: Stejar Endgrain Coniac
K5414 AW Eiche ENDgrain Classic - RO: Stejar Endgrain Clasic
K5574 IR Oak Evoke Sunset - RO: Stejar Evoke Sunset
K5577 DP Black Sky Light - RO: Cer Negru Deschis
K5578 DP Black Sky Dark - RO: Cer Negru Inchis
K5579 DP Oxid Dark Brown - RO: Oxid Maro inchis
K5580 DP Chepe
Blaturi cu cant drept ABS cu raza de 1,5mm:
EN: (Boards - Worktops Kaindl 2020-2024 decor collection for Sketchup and not only)
Colectia de decoruri pentru blat-uri de lucru a Kaindl - Austria.
In acest moment in Romania, importatorul direct pentru blaturile de bucatarie Kaindl este furnizorul de materiale lemnoase S.C. Holver S.R.L. cu sediul in Brasov dar si cu filiale teritoriale in: Bucuresti, Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi si Constanta.
Produsele Kaindl pentru blaturi de bucatarie:
* Blat de bucatarie postformat G-profile: 4100 x 600 x 38 mm, R = 3 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Blat de bucatarie postformat dublu G-profile: 4100 x 900 x 38 mm, R = 3 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Blat de bucatarie cu cant drept ABS R = 1,5mm: 4100 x 635 x 38mm (15 decoruri)
* Splashback cu laminat de 0.3mm pe ambele fete - 4100 x 640 x 15mm (50 de decoruri)
* antistrop la nuanta blatului - profil 4100 x 24 x 16 mm (50 de decoruri)
* Laminat pentru cantuire 2 bucati x 3000 x 45 x 0.8 mm (50 de decoruri)
Colectia atasata este pregatita in special pentru Sketchup dar prin preluarea imaginilor in format *.jpg pot fi folosite si la alte versiuni de programe vectoriale pentru proiectare de mobilier.
EN: Kaindl Boards - Worktop Collection 2020-2024 contains textures mainly addapted for Sketchup 3D rendering software but you can also get the pictures in *.jpg format so that can be use for other furniture software. The names of the decors are translated in English and Romanian.
Pozele nu prezinta suprafata totala a decorurilor Kaindl, ci doar o sectiune echivalenta a 600x600mm. Dimensinea la care au fost realizate este ideala pentru suprapunerea peste un blat de bucatarie standard, de 600mm adancime (latime).
EN: The pictures don't represent the full texture of the materials, it's represent aproximatley 600x600mm. The dimension of the texture is adapted for the standard kitchen worktop with depth of 600mm.
Mai jos puteti accesa 3 link-uri pentru 3 variante de fisiere:
EN: I have attached 3 links for everybody needs:
1) Poze cu decorurile in format *.jpg
EN: Pictures of the decors in *jpg format.
2) Fisiere cu decorurile in fisiere cu format pentru texturi sketchup *.skm
EN: Decors formated in Sketchup standard form for textures: *.skm
Fisierele trebuie adaugate in dosarul "Materials" al prgramului iar in interiorul acestuia puteti realiza orice dosar doriti si el va aparea de indata ce redeschideti programul sketchup, ex mai jos, cu rosu, cum am denumit eu dosarul in interiorul "Materials" si in program se vede ca o fereastra separata de texturi.
Cale standard pt Windows 10, daca nu ati ales alta cale de instalare:
C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2017\SketchUp\Materials\Decoruri GETALIT\
EN: You have to copy the files in Sketchup materials folder, in there you can create your own folder and at the next reboot of the program it will appear in your material menu. The standard way to it for Windows 10 is listed above. If you don't know where to find it, search in C:\ for *.skm files and you will find the path.
3) Fisier cu decorurile in format sketchup *.skp, simulate sub forma de blaturi Kaindl.
EN: A *.skp file with all the decors simulated for worktops. fisier o sa gasiti toate decorurile simulate pe bucati de blaturi Kaindl 900x635x38mm, 900x600x38mmsi 900x900x38mm.
Blaturi postformate cu raza de 3mm:
1106 PE White - RO: Alb Perlat
3324 PE Walnut Butcher Block - RO: Nuc Lamelar
3952 PE Ravenna Gray - RO: Gri Ravena
3953 PE Slate - RO: Ardezie
34038 AT Sonoma Oak Light - RO: Stejar Sonoma Deschis
34139 AW Oak Sanremo Sand - RO: Stejar Sanremo Nisip
34232 AT Arizona Pine - RO: Pin Arizona
34318 AT Laramie Pine - RO: Pin Laramie
34321 DP Oxide - RO: Oxid
35252 AT Chalete Oak - RO: Stejar Chalet
37905 DP Concrete Art - RO: Beton
37910 PE Tibur
37978 DC Mocca
37979 DC Tobacco - RO: Tabac
38356 DC Natural Stone - RO: Piatra Natur
4288 PE Granito Anthracite - RO: Granit Antracit
44374 DP Concrete Art Grey - RO: Beton Gri Opal
44375 DP Concrete Art Pearl Grey - RO: Beton Gri Perlat
45273 DC Oldstone
45274 DC Corten Steel - RO: Otel Corten
47980 DC Arktis - RO: Arctic
47981 DC Sahara
5853 PE Titan
K4325 AW Alpine Oak Snow - RO: Stejar Alpin
K4398 DP Rusty Iron - RO: Fier Ruginit
K4399 DP Rusty Iron Ocean - RO: Fier Ruginit Ocean
K4410 AW Native Oak Light - RO: Stejar Native Deschis
K4420 IR Oak Evoke Classic - RO: Stejar Evoke Clasic
K4447 AN Oak Antique Expressive - RO: Stejar Antic Expressive
K4453 DP Concrete Weave Anthracite - RO: Beton Antracit
K4887 AN Walnut Almond Expressive - RO: Nuc Migdala Expressive
K4890 DP Arabescato
K4891 DC Nero Assoluto Scottish
K4892 DP Pietra Grey - RO: Piatra Gri
K4892 DP Pietra Grey Gloss - RO: Piatra Gri Lucios
K4893 DP Steel Grey Ocean - RO: Otel Gri Ocean
K4894 DP Steel Grey Coffe - RO: Otel Gri Cafea
K4895 DP Atlantic Stone Graphite - RO: Piatra Atlantic Grafit
K4896 DP Stone - RO: Steel - RO: Atlantic - RO: Piatra Atlantic Otel
K4946 SV Lava Hemlock - RO: Hemlock Lava
K5284 AN Oak - RO: Roosevelt - RO: Stejar Roosevelt
K5412 AW Oak Endgrain Raw - RO: Stejar Endgrain Raw
K5413 AW Eiche ENDgrain Cognac - RO: Stejar Endgrain Coniac
K5414 AW Eiche ENDgrain Classic - RO: Stejar Endgrain Clasic
K5574 IR Oak Evoke Sunset - RO: Stejar Evoke Sunset
K5577 DP Black Sky Light - RO: Cer Negru Deschis
K5578 DP Black Sky Dark - RO: Cer Negru Inchis
K5579 DP Oxid Dark Brown - RO: Oxid Maro inchis
K5580 DP Chepe
Blaturi cu cant drept ABS cu raza de 1,5mm:
34139 AW Oak Sanremo Sand - RO: Stejar Sanremo Nisip
34232 AT Arizona Pine - RO: Pin Arizona
34321 DP Oxide - RO: Oxid
37978 DC Mocca
44374 DP Concrete Art Grey - RO: Beton Gri Opal
44375 DP Concrete Art Pearl Grey - RO: Beton Gri Perlat
K4398 DP Rusty Iron - RO: Fier Ruginit
K4399 DP Rusty Iron Ocean - RO: Fier Ruginit Ocean
K4410 AW Native Oak Light - RO: Stejar Native Deschis
K4894 DP Steel Grey Coffe - RO: Otel Gri Cafea
K4895 DP Atlantic Stone Graphite - RO: Piatra Atlantic Grafit
K4946 SV Lava Hemlock - RO: Hemlock Lava
K5413 AW Eiche ENDgrain Cognac - RO: Stejar Endgrain Coniac
K5414 AW Eiche ENDgrain Classic - RO: Stejar Endgrain Clasic
K5574 IR Oak Evoke Sunset - RO: Stejar Evoke Sunset
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